From Yerevan, Armenia
Based in Yerevan, Armenia
"When I was a kid, in the morning when I opened my eyes, I saw a wall full of paintings
by contemporary Armenian artists. I used to wake up to them every day, and I used to
draw from early childhood.."
A: What brought you into art?
V: When I was a kid, in the morning when I opened my eyes, I saw a wall full of paintings
by contemporary Armenian artists. I used to wake up to them every day, and I used to
draw from early childhood.
A: What inspires you the most?
V: Art is a way of self-expression for me, where I explore my creativity using different
materials, forms, colors, and shapes. I get inspired by the complexity of our inner worlds
and the world we build through our interactions.
A: Do you have any specific rituals while working (creating)?
V: I like to sketch when I listen to professional audiobooks or music.
A: What would you recommend to someone who's new to art (an artist or just an admirer), what to begin with?
V: As a Naive artist, I follow the feeling of infinite joy, playfulness, and a sense of creative
flow, and it always starts with allowing yourself that, no matter what would be the
A: Your top 3 adjectives related to art?
V: Explorative, Intriguing, Sensual
A: The best angle to look at art is from..?
V: From within. We always see what we know and are ready to find.
A: The perfect phrase to start any conversation about art is:.?
V: I observe …
A: Must-read books to help us talk about art (or do we even need them)?
V: -
A: What would it be if you could change one thing in the art world?
V: -
A: Please, share your favorite quote (not necessarily related to art)
V: “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain
multitudes.) “ Walt Whitman, Song of Myself, 51
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