From Yerevan, Armenia
Based in Saint Petersburg, Russia
“Look with your eyes and see with your heart!”
A: What brought you into art?
L: Laziness. I was interested in science, music, and art, and I mistakenly thought that painting was the easiest. But I did not come into art right away, my first education is the restoration of works of art.
A: What inspires you the most?
L: The beauty of the world in general, the Armenian culture in particular.
A: Do you have any specific rituals while working(creating)?
L: I usually listen to music, podcasts, or the news because I get bored just drawing with my hands. I like it when the brain works in different directions at the same time.
A: What would you recommend to someone new to art (an artist or just an admirer), what to begin with?
L: To develop taste, you need to watch and memorize a lot of high-quality visual materials. It can be not only paintings but also cinema, and photography.
A: Your top 3 adjectives related to art?
L: Beauty, craftsmanship, meaning.
A: The best angle to look at art is from..?
L: Probably from the hall of the museum, where the work is exhibited? I would like to be able to visit all the museums and galleries where paintings are interesting to me.
A: The Perfect phrase to start any conversation about art is:.?
L: Impressionism is realism?
A: Must-read books to talk about art (or do we even need them)?
L: I think it could be artists’ diaries. I really enjoyed the book of Martiros Saryan’s Memoirs about the first half of his life, in which he understood his destiny, got an education, and traveled a lot in search of ideas.
A: What would it be if you could change one thing in the art world?
L: I guess I would restrict the ability to distribute low-quality art. Now every non-professional can publish their work on the Internet, and in general, this greatly lowers the level of art.
A: Please, share your favorite quote (not necessarily related to art)
L: “Look with your eyes and see with your heart!” (M. Saryan)
Shalom, great work Ma'am, somehow do agree impressionism is realism... many Best wishes. DAVIDJEEVRAJ