From Zvolen, Slovakia
Based in Brno, South Moravia region, Czechia
Samuel Paučo creates works that combine abstraction with depictions of concrete, real-world objects. He's able to achieve this thanks to his typical creative process: he doesn't start with a specific idea in mind but works intuitively and lets the process of painting define the direction the painter will take
A: Please, tell us a bit more about yourself. What brought you to art?
S: My name is Samuel Paučo and I'm a painter, musician, polyglot, polyhistor, and a bit of a misanthrope. Art has always surrounded me, in all it's forms (except for theatre), but it was my being accepted into an arts school that sealed my future path and ambitions.
A: What inspires you the most?
S: My most important source of inspiration is and always has been the work itself. I am the "intuitive" type of artist and I always need to attune myself to the subliminal currents which then advance the physical process of painting itself, as well as all the coincidences and defects that are a part of art making...
A: Do you have any specific rituals while working (creating)?
S: A morning coffee, a cigarette, and when possible, a beer drank with lunch helps relax the chakras.
A: What would you recommend to someone new to art (an artist or just anadmirer), what to begin with?
S: That depends on the person's orientation and ambitions. The higher their goals, the better - and then it's of course lots of enthusiasm, hard work, and self-study.
A: Your top 3 adjectives or phrases related to art?
S: I don't like to describe and explain my own work - and that's also the first phrase I use whenever I talk about my own works.
A: Your favorite Czech artists?
S: I am a typical self-absorbed artist, but there have been artists that influenced me greatly, whether through their work or their demeanor and personality. There are many in the Czechoslovak environment. Mainer, Stratil, Sopko, Grygar, Knížák, Palla, Kunc, Knap, Dokoupil, Bromová, etc.
A: What piece of art do you think embodies the Czech national spirit and culture?Why?
S: Lada's book cover of Švejk immediately comes to mind - but that might be because of the way the question is posed...
A: How do you like to connect with others through art?
S: To be honest, I'm happy when I don't have to talk about art at all - since I'm surrounded by it daily, I prefer escaping elsewhere, somewhere a bit closer to the ground.
A: Where can we meet you?
S: My studio is my second home. At the moment, it's in Brno, in the former fabric factory Modeta spaces, and I am more than happy.
A: Is there any quote or idea that has guided you in your work and/or life?
S: Let bygones be bygones.
Thank you!