From Los Angeles, US
Based in Los Angeles, US
"My grandparents, Bess Taffle and Robert Boyle introduced me to thinking creatively and imaginatively through all aspects of the day...Being influenced artistically in a variety of mediums helped my utilize art in different aspects throughout my life."
A: What brought you into art?
N: My grandparents, Bess Taffle and Robert Boyle introduced me to thinking creatively and imaginatively through all aspects of the day. My grandfather was an architect and art director and my grandmother was a writer and also an amazing singer. Being influenced artistically in a variety of mediums helped my utilize art in different aspects throughout my life. If you have interest and ability in all aspects of art, your life and how you perceive things will be improved for the better.
A: What inspires you the most?
N: The natural world, which is here and outside of what we know. Progress and advancements in technology and science are also important inspirationally.
A: Do you have any specific rituals while working(creating)?
N: I don’t have specific rituals while working. There are certain steps I take to create the work, but this is just process and not ritualistic.
A: What would you recommend to someone new to art (an artist or just an admirer), what to begin with?
N: Begin by thinking of a concept or idea that is important to you and try to visualize the feeling it gives you, then decide on the physical shape you see it as.
A: Your top 3 adjectives related to art?
N: Patient, inovative, direct.
A: The best angle to look at art is from..?
N: It depends on where you are in relation to the artwork.
A: The Perfect phrase to start any conversation about art is:.?
N: I don’t think there is a perfect phrase to start a conversation about art, but if it is something you are wanting to talk to someone about, you can start by sharing information about what you know.
A: Must-read books to talk about art (or do we even need them)?
N: ‘Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees.’ by Robert Irwin
A: What would it be if you could change one thing in the art world?
N: I think the art world and the real world are constantly changing and evolving for better or for worse. It is not about wanting something in particular to be changed, but carving your own change you want to see.
A: Please, share your favorite quote (not necessarily related to art)
N: “...knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”
Albert Einstein