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AS IS | Fabienne Petit


From France

Based in Saumur, France

Fabienne is a French illustrator whose works decorate many postcards, leaflets, or prints that can be found in places all over France. We spoke about her creative process, tips for beginners, sources of inspiration, and much more

A: Please, tell us a bit more about yourself. What brought you into art?

F: As a freelance graphic designer, I like to express emotions through colors and shapes. I have never thought of myself as an artist. I just know that since my childhood, I've had this need, this natural impulse to express my feelings, whether through dance, music, poetry, computer animation... Graphic design and illustration came later, with this desire to give an original, fun and different perspective to everyday things.

A: What inspires you the most?

F: I draw inspiration from nature, poetry, colors, the sky, light, stars...

A: Do you have any specific rituals while working (creating)?

F: No specific ritual. When I start a project, I try to summon in me all the images, memories, shapes, colors in many different fields to be the most accurate and relevant with the atmosphere and the idea that I want get across. Music helps me give free rein to my imagination.

A: What would you recommend to someone new to art (an artist or just an admirer), what to begin with?

F: Don't put pressure on yourself, it will come naturally. Trust your instincts. It is the life course that teach us to see. The tool does not matter, what matters above all is the emotion, the idea that we want to convey to one another.

A: What are your three favorite adjectives related to art?

F: Exhilarating, visceral, endless.

A: The best angle to look at art is from ...?

F: The perspective of the heart.

A: The perfect phrase to start any conversation about art is:..?

F: What gives you the most emotions in life and how do you convey that?

A: Must-read books to help us talk about art (or do we even need them)?

F: Poetry, haiku, graphic novels... I also think that many films, especially animation and short films, are a gold mine for creation.

A: If you could change one thing in the art world - what would it be?

F: The sometimes crushing aspect of the notion of art that makes you forget its simplicity, its essence. Everyone is gifted with this sensitivity...

A: Please, share your favorite quote (not necessarily related to art).

F: "The end of the world and the back of the garden contain the same amount of wonders." Christian Bobin

Thank you!

For more: visit or IG


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