Based in Munich, Germany
We interviewed marvelous Elisabeth Sandikci about her art story, sources for inspiration, rituals while creating, and some tips for those who are just starting
A: Please, tell us a bit more about yourself. What brought you into art?
E: Already as a child, I went to an Art School and had my first exhibition. Not only painting was my passion, but also theater, dancing, and ceramics. As a teenager, I had to give a break to art, following the wish of my parents - to visit a „normal“ school and to have a „stable“ job. Times were different than nowadays. Kind of a pity.
However, after school, nothing was „normal“. I connected the „stable job“ with my passions and established an Art Language School, where kids and adults learn languages through painting, theater, dancing, and many more.
In 2019 I sold the business to focus on myself and my own art.
A: What inspires you the most?
E: People. Situations. Characters. Habits. Life experiences.
A: Do you have any specific rituals while working(creating)?
E: Yes, music!
A: What would you recommend to someone who's new to art (rather artist or just an admirer), what to begin with?
E: Let your hands follow your heart and thoughts.
A: Your top 3 favorite adjectives related to art?
E: Colorful, meaningful, influential
A: The best angle to look at art is from ... ?
E: Your own angle, your open-mind-angle.
A: The Perfect phrase to start any conversation about art is:...?
E: Nothing is perfect, just choose a phrase you like!
A: Must-read books to talk about art (or do we even need them)?
E: I do not like the „you must“ phrase. There is no „you must“ do this or that to talk about art.
A: If you could change one thing in the art world - what would it be?
E: I would change the „you must do“ system at art schools.
A: Please, share your favorite quote (not necessarily related to art)
E: If they throw you out through the door, get back through the window - that being said, NEVER GIVE UP!
A: Thank you!
E: Thank you too!
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