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AS IS | Darryl Westly


From Chicago, US

Based in New York, US

" I first came to art through a love of history and storytelling, particularly Greek mythology, fables, and a large comic collection my father kept.."

A: Please, tell us a bit more about yourself. What brought you into art?

D: I first came to art through a love of history and storytelling, particularly Greek mythology, fables, and a large comic collection my father kept. Later in high school, I attended a youth arts program called Gallery 37 which acted as my first introduction to Contemporary Art after visiting a retrospective of Jeff Koons at the MCA.

A: What inspires you the most?

D: Stories of struggle, perseverance, and compassion. Experiences that reveal to the senses the passions of the heart.

A: Do you have any specific rituals while working (creating)?

D: Meditation for twenty minutes, and working in silence.

A: What would you recommend to someone who's new to art (an artist or just an admirer), what to begin with?

D: Explore yourself and your surroundings, give energy to those people and things that bring you joy. Most importantly, embrace the journey.

A: Your top 3 adjectives related to art?

D: Beautiful



A: The best angle to look at art is from..?

D: Every space is a living room, art that is uncomfortable contains the language of the domestic.

A: The perfect phrase to start any conversation about art is:.?

D: What is your passion?

A: Must-read books to help us talk about art (or do we even need them)?

D: The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord; Felix Guattari; Feminism is For Everybody by Bell Hooks; How to See by David Salle.

A: What would it be if you could change one thing in the art world?

D: Better access to arts education health and work resources through government-sponsored programs, ala the WPA.

A: Please, share your favorite quote (not necessarily related to art)

D: I don‘t believe in art, I believe in artists

Marcel Duchamp

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